in good hands


Exhibition Info

Compound Yellow (Oak Park, IL)
Bimbola Akinbola, Chi Nwosu, Jacqueline Surdell, Jacquelyn Carmen Guerrero, Jane Georges, Sophia English,
Sydnie Jiminez, and Vidushi Lohia

This exhibition was a part of three-month AMFM’s Takeover Residency.

The idiom “in good hands” is defined as to be in the care of a person or people who are able to take care of someone or something well. Oftentimes, women and femme identifying individuals are defaulted to be the caretaker. Women and queer artists are also celebrated one month out of the year from exhibitions, to talks, and highlights. To care is a spectrum, as is making; therefore if you are in the care of a maker, you are in good hands. Care is centered around the intention and attention to the work and by the hand that offers it.

In Good Hands is a group exhibition that features queer and womyn artists who create with their hands through the lens of photography, textile, fiber, text, sculpture, installation, and painting. Featured artists include, Bimbola Akinbola, Chi Nwosu, Jacqueline Surdell, Jacquelyn Carmen Guerrero, Jane Georges, Sophia English, Sydnie Jiminez, and Vidushi Lohia.

From the soft gouache paintings of Bimbola Akinbola’s family intricately woven, to the small soft plush hand sewn pieces from Jacquelyn Carmen Guerrero, and hand molded life size sculptures and tiles from Sydnie Jimenez, care is behind every touch. Each artist’s hands put in the work to create that which exists beyond the default.